Fiber Sweeteners What Are They And How Do You Use Them?

Fiber sweeteners are not only beneficial, but blend perfectly into each recipe to add just the right amount of sweetness to your recipe. Sometimes, depending on which sweetener you use, you may need to adjust the recipe, especially if using a sugar substitute other than a fiber sweetener. This is where trial and error come into play. Enjoy experimenting with your own favorite recipes as well.

SweetPerfection is an example of a fiber sweetener. SweetPerfection states that it is "an all-natural sweetener that is made 99.5% from chicory root fiber". "It is a prebiotic fiber that feeds those beneficial probiotics that is shown to promote digestive health." "Also stated, it may lower insulin resistance." 

SweetPerfection also have suggested uses for their fiber sweeteners on the packaging if you prefer a lower to "0" glycemic index. See the suggested replacement amount for refined sugar on their label. They emphasize not to use chicory root in combination with other sugars since this may cause digestive disturbances.* 

SweetPerfection contains 3 grams of dietary fiber, 3 grams of carbohydrates and 0 grams of sugar in one teaspoon of sweetener.

SweetPerfection can be found on-line at:

SweetPerfection is the one I used in creating my recipes. If you prefer to use other brands or sugar substitute, research on-line for more options.

Note:  *I contacted the company about using a small amount with natural sweeteners, and they said it was not created for that use.  They suggest using it as the only sweetener. I told them I tried adding in just a small amount along with other natural sweeteners and it worked fine for most people. I also said, I've seen some manufacturers are combining them with sugars in their products. I tried combining it and found out small amounts were fine for most people, but too much can cause digestive disturbances. Each person has to decide for themselves what works best.
